The hospital

Our project
Otema Hospital is the ambitious project of a Congolese doctor, Dr Tony Elonge. In the local language (Otetela), “Otema” means “the heart” but also “the breast”, “the womb” of the woman.
In a country where both the birth rate and infant and maternal mortality are among the highest in the world, in a country where rape is a weapon of war, Otema Hospital has the vision of giving back to women and children their essential place. in the social fabric.
The hospital currently includes a hospitalization service, an operating block, an emergency service, a consultation service with imaging (ultrasound and endoscope), a laboratory and a pharmacy.
The hospital is located in the city of Lodja, in the Sankuru region, in the center of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Lodja is a city of approximately 300,000 inhabitants serving a population base of approximately 1,500,000. It is developing very quickly without the infrastructure being able to keep up. This project has already received the support of several government authorities in Kinshasa and Lodja. The local authorities have made available 11 hectares of land near the city center. This large space will make it possible to combine medical care with psychological and social support.
The project thus includes workshops, gardening and meeting spaces.
Changing health conditions, offering the population of Sankuru real access to care, this is the bet that Doctor Tony is launching today!
In order to provide access to healthcare for all, including people lacking resources, the Otema Hospital offers sponsorship for fistula operations. And to improve the quality of care, improvements are planned for the hospital site (passages, bio-medical waste incinerator, sheltered place where families can cook for patients, etc.).